Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Man From Mars

Written Sunday, October 12, 2008

Let me preface this by saying: I'm not like you.

You wouldn't know it if you saw me walking down the street, or driving a car. Eating or sleeping.

The only way you'd know it, is if you knew how long I've been on your planet for.

I've watched the pyramids being built. World Wars, jungle wars, and revolutionary wars. I've seen your gods walk the planet (yes, they've all been here at least once). I watched everything from fire being discovered to computer technology.

If you're wondering how I've done all this, remember, I'm not like you.

I was born in a time long, long ago. In a place not too far from here. Ok, ok, by your measures, it's only a few hundred light years. Which, if you consider how long I've been living, is really only a month or so based on Earth's calendar.

Now, you may be wondering why I'm here. I'm a scientist, much like you have here. I would be called an anthropologist if I were from Earth, but instead, I'm just a scientist. I was sent here to study the evolution of this new planet (well, when we saw it created; it's not new anymore).

The unfortunate thing for you people on Earth is that every planet I've gone and studied has been destroyed. Oh, don't get upset at me. I'm not one of your gods or some monster (we look the same as you) sent to destroy planets, but rather we already know if a planet will survive.

So, I guess the best way to describe to describe me is a "watcher of destruction." Well, that's what it says on my business card. I've watched several thousands of planets destroy themselves. Wars and pollution are always the top causes. Only once, have I seen over population become a cause for a planet's destruction. But, my people were able to branch out and now live on a dozen or so planets, with our original home planet now something more of a novelty than a livable planet.

Earth has had quite a few wars, based on: money, ego, land, and a new one, oil. But, just the same, I suppose that oil fits in with the others. I mean, it's a thing. There's a lot of it on Earth (remember, I'm a scientist) and a lot of ways to make it, in a lab. But, I'm not here to save a planet, no, only to take notes and learn. After I'm done studying a planet (I'm finished once it's gone) I return home and teach what I've learned, so that our planets' will not follow in the same fate as others.

On our planets, we treat others with respect. You know the saying, "treat others as you would like to be treated." But, my personal favorite is "you're only as strong as your weakest link." We don't have wars. We don't have starvation, or unemployment (but when you've got that many planets it's tough to not find work). Murder is something that my people only know of because of my notes that are constantly streamed to them.

I've seen some strange things on this planet. My personal favorite is the treatment of animals. One group of people worships cows. Another one eats them. But the one that eats them, worships cats and dogs (if you don't, then why do they live in your house and eat your food and sleep in your bed?). Then there's another that eats cats and dogs. Needless to say, that made the front page on almost every newspaper in our galaxy (the first time ever, my mother was proud - and yes, we have parents).

Love is another. I find it strange, as I've noted several times in my notes, that Earthlings don't know who their supposed to be with. They have multiple partners and often split with those partners, before moving on to another...much in the way a parasite works. Sex, it seems is a major focal point in several cultures, yet in ours it's hardly important enough to even mention, aside from the fact that people here are obsessed with it. Don't get me wrong, I've had sex. A lot of sex, and I enjoy it. But, when you've been around since the dawn of man kind, you've got the opportunity for a lot sex. I'm not supposed to be with anyone here. Remember? I'm not from here.

I wouldn't worry too much about the pollution problem that you claim to have. Even if Los Angeles, California, of the United States of America had the cleanest air in the world, you would all still live. Besides, your wars will kill you off before some pollution factor will.

In the 1950's through the 1960's I really thought I was getting ready to leave. The Cold War between the then Soviet Union and the United States had all of the ego for a globally destructive war. But, I'm still here. The newest war lord is an American President named George Bush. It's amazing that you people think that this man will cause World War III. I can't tell you a lot, but based on my research of the other planets and my notes on this one, the beginning of the planet's destruction will begin with another American Civil War. I can't tell you when, simply because I don't know. I can't tell the future, merely it's a guesstimate (a very good one, I'm not paid to be wrong). But, it won't be anytime soon.

The world's governments have no idea I exist. If they did, it would cause a lot of problems. This is why I can't be found. I live a simple life in a major metropolis and have a dog. I find it funny that I own what so many people love, yet I only do it to fit in. I can never get married and I move once every three to five years. I can't stick around too long, people will notice that I don't age the same as them. Questions would be asked and people wouldn't be ready for the answers.

If I was asked where I'd rank Earth with the planets I've studied, it would fall somewhere in the top 25%. There've been flashes of brilliance, but there've been too many problems for Earth to be any higher.

Even if I wanted to, I still couldn't save Earth from Earthlings. Your planet's future has already been decided, regardless of what's done to save it. I've enjoyed my time here and I will continue to, until my work is done.

You won't know I was here, until I'm gone.

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